Battery Trophy
The Battery Trophy
Started in 1978 when one of our very early members and eventually the club chairman John Reade, recycled old car batteries to raise cash for a trophy hence the Battery Trophy. ( We were very poor in those days. I think Telford Development Corporation gave us a grant of £30 when we formed the club in 1976 and we thought that we were pleased with their generosity !! )
The idea of the Battery Trophy is that points are awarded for all league and championship races throughout the cross country season for senior men and women. The most points are given for the first club runner to finish. At the end of the season we award four trophies for first overall man and woman and first overall vet man and woman. These are awarded at the clubs presentation evening held in October.
Malcolm Dawes is organising the competition this season and updates can be seen on the web site after each race.