Cross Country
Inquiries to Peter Plant - Cross Country Secretary and or Rachel Coupe - Assistant Cross Country Secretary
TAC currently take part in three cross country leagues for seniors and two for juniors during the Winter months. This is a very busy schedule which means that there is a race almost every weekend.
Members are not obliged to take part but it's a great way to keep race fit throughout the Winter.
For juniors we aim to get full teams out in the Shropshire League and for seniors we concentrate on the Midland Womens and Birmingham Mens Leagues.
Birmingham Cross Country League
North Wales Cross Country League
North Staffs Cross Country League
North Staffs Cross Country League
Shropshire Young Athletes Cross Country League
As well as league matches there's the County Champs, Midland Champs and Nationals which members are eligible to enter.
Midland Womens League. under 20 and senior women.
Saturday 12th November - Leamington.
Saturday 3rd December - Stratford.
Saturday 14th January - Wolverhampton
Sunday 21st February - Wolverhampton.
Birmingham and District League Division 2 under 20 and senior men.
Saturday 7th November - Leamington
Saturday 5th December - Cheltenham
Saturday 16th January - Coventry
Saturday 11th February - Warwick University
North Staffs League - U/13, U/15, U/17 Seniors
1st October - Winsford
29th October - Parkhall
19th November - Keele University
17th December - Stafford Common
North Wales - U/17 women and men, senior women and men.
15th October - Mold
5th November - Llandudno
26th November - Bangor University
14th January - Baschurch
4th February - Oswestry
Shropshire Young Athletes XC U/11, U/13, U/15, U/17
Sunday 25th September - Lilleshall
Sunday 9th October - Bridgnorth
Sunday 6th November - Much Wenlock
Sunday 4th December - Oswestry
Shropshire AA Cross Country Championships U/13, U/15, U/17, U/20, Seniors
Saturday 7th January. Venue to be announced
Midland Championships U/13, U/15, U/17, U/20, Seniors
Saturday 28th January Prestwold, Loughborough.
Shropshire Schools Cross Country Championships
U/13 (Year 7), U/15 (Year 8/9), U/17 (Year 10/11), U/19 ( Year 12/13) - enter through your school
Saturday 4th February. Venue to be announced
National Championships U/13, U/15, U/17, U/20, Seniors
Saturday 25th February Wollaton Park, Nottingham
English Schools Cross Country Championships.
Athletes selected to represent Shropshire Schools
U/15 ( Year 8/9), U/17 ( Year 10/11) U/19 ( Year 12/13)
Date and venue to be confirmed.
National Inter Counties U/13, U/15, U/17, U/20, Seniors
Athletes selected to represent Shropshire AA
Saturday 11th March Cofton Park Birmingham